Programme 2024 - 2025
12/09/24 Show & Tell
19/09/24 Practical Evening. Merits 1 due date.
26/09/24 Presentation - Samantha Buley ‘Stockholm a Winter Wonderland’. Merits 2 due date.
03/10/24 Presentation - Sue Brown ‘Time to Reflect’
10/10/24 Presentation - Nick Wilcox Brown - ‘Photographing Birds and Wildlife’
17/10/24 Merits 1 Results - Engineering/Industrial and Own Choice - Pdi
24/10/24 Presentation - Paul Naylor ‘Sea life on our doorstep’ Telling the colourful stories of our marine animals with underwater photography.
31/10/24 Show & Tell - Panels & Triptych
05/11/24 DPI Challenge Shield - Newton Abbot Host
07/11/24 Practical Evening
14/11/24 Merits 2 Results - Two/Double/Twin and (Own Choice Mono) - Print
21/11/24 Presentation - Jane Lazenby ‘The Magic of Brushes’?
28/11/24 WCPF Travelling Exhibition
05/12/24 Trophy Night - Les Rowing Parker Cup - ‘People’ Pdi and Price Cup - ‘Creative’ Print
12/12/24 Christmas Knockout/Social
09/01/25 Merits 3 Results - Shallow Depth of Field and Own Choice Pdi
15/01/25 Plymouth & Torbay Battle Cup - Torbay Host (date to be confirmed)
16/01/25 Presentation - Tony Worobiec ‘Minimalism’
23/01/25 Practical Evening
30/01/25 Presentation - Julia Wainwright ‘Natural Wonders of Ethiopia’
06/02/25 Tamar Trophy - hosted at Plymouth with Ivybridge, Plymstock and Saltash - Print/Mono
13/02/25 Merits 4 Results - Geometric Shapes and Own Choice - Print
20/02/25 Show & Tell
27/02/25 Presentation - David Chapman ‘My year of landscape and wildlife photography’
06/03/25 Gerry Trophy - hosted at Plymouth with Plymstock and Saltash - Open/Pdi
13/03/25 Merits 5 Results - Blue and Own Choice - Pdi
20/03/25 Practical Evening - to include APOY images
27/03/25 Presentation - Tim Jones ‘Black & White Japan’ and Fotospeed Paper Choices’
03/04/25 Merits 6 Results - Minimalist and (Flora/Gardens - Jubilee Trophy)
24/04/25 Trophy Night - Westlake ‘Landscape/Seascape’ Print and Tawny ‘Nature' Pdi
01/05/25 AGM
08/05/25 Show & Tell - APOY Entries
15/05/25 End of Season Social